Natural Beaded Rows™ Hair Extensions | Jodi Does Hair

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I know this might be a surprising question but you will be more surprised to know that the answer is YES! It absolutely can and I’m here to explain why…


So in a previous post, I talked about myself, my journey with hair and being able to find my confidence. To be honest, I’m still growing and learning there. Also, while I mentioned that it all changed after my experience with Natural Beaded Rows, it was not so much of an immediate change. It was more of a gradual change.

I was able to carry myself a little differently. I walked different, talked different and head my head a bit higher.  With my new found confidence, I was even able to get more comfortable in front of the camera. These may all be little things, you might say, but to me, knowing who I used to be before that day, these were major changes I noticed in myself. I later went on to notice theses changes in my clients.

I realized my hair sort of gave me PERMISSION. It let my confident side out, gave me the courage to be a bit more outspoken. It’s funny how something as small as hair ca do that for us women, isn’t it?

This was a turnaround not only in my personal world, but as a hairstylist in the industry for over three decades, it was a turnaround in my professional persona as well. Once I got Victoria Secret volume and length, I felt I was a new person and a professional at my craft. I began to making more videos to share information with my audience such as benefits of hair extensions, stylist tips, hair products and so many other interesting topics. You can follow me on Instagram to find out more about my expanding video channel.

 So now I know if this shift can happen for me, it can definitely happen for you.

But what happens to women who don’t have this confidence I keep talking about? What happens when a woman doesn’t feel powerful, sexy and comfortable in her own skin? I’ll tell you, we play small. We shrink. We get less outspoken and hide more. I know this because that’s exactly what I did. So, when I said earlier that my hair gave me permission, this is exactly what I meant. It brought out a better version of me which felt like it was locked away somewhere inside of me.

I know I’m no powerhouse influencer, but I study my craft and I’m passionate about it. I live it and I share it. There are a lot of us out there in positions of power with our careers, family, leadership and other various areas.

Is your lack of confidence and belief in yourself affecting those areas? Is it affecting your marriage? Your intimate life? Or your children? Does it affect how outspoken you are in contributing at work or any other area?

It did for me. I ask because I’ve been there before. And I know exactly how it feels. We as women should already know we run the WORLD. We absolutely do. So, if something as small and simple as our hair is holding us back, why not change that?

Take the first step on your journey to best self. Your REAL SELF. It happened for me, so why can’t it happen for you?

Click the link to APPLY FOR NBR and fill out the application on my website at and begin the journey to your real self.

Remember, always
Aspire to Inspire!